Our Range
We offer more than 400 different plants and more than 50 different grass plants in nursery plant trays. We also offer 18 Hemerocallis in varieties and 30 Irisses in varieties. They are sold loose. We deliver complete units and charge 100 instead of 104 plants or 50 instead of 54 items.
For the delivery dates week 8 to week 34 we always have free quantities.
We would be pleased to send you the current assortment list or, on request, the list of free quantities.
Please write to us: info@kock-youngplants.com
Seedling young plants
Our recommendation for seedlings:
Braun Jungpflanzen
Mellnsdorfer Weg 1, 14913 Kurzlipsdorf
Phone: 033743 – 51970
Fax: 033743 – 51971
Email: info@braun-jungpflanzen.de

Our Assortment
Here you will find information about our assortment of perennials, grasses, hemerocallis and iris.

The Nursery
How we work, location and history and a tour of the nursery in pictures.

Your Order
Do you have questions about shipping, packaging or payment? Here you will find the answers!